Thousands of forcibly displaced families are affected by drought in the Horn of Africa

“I can’t count the number of people that were displaced with us. Nearly everyone in the village left. It was such a long journey […] our cattle suffered horribly” Ardo, East Somalia internally displaced mother-of-four. Ardo did not want to leave her village in eastern Ethiopia. But it had barely rained in months; her cattle were dying, and her children were hungry. She had to walk about 260 kilometers from her village in search desperately for water and pasture to feed her

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Get to know Fattoum, a displaced Yemeni mother who struggles to take care of her orphaned children.

Fattoum lost her husband and became the sole breadwinner for her four daughters. Thousands of displaced mothers in Yemen share the same fate, having lost their spouses and their homes due to war and conflict. All of them are struggling today to provide meals to their orphaned children to break their Ramadan fasts, and they count on UNHCR to survive. Around 11 million people in Yemen suffer from high levels of food insecurity. The country is on the brink of

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Laila, an Iraqi displaced women caring for her grandchildren

Laila is an Iraqi IDP who, aside from battling cancer and enduring chemotherapy, has suffered the loss of her husband and son. She takes care of her grandchildren, yet with the advent of the month of Ramadan, her needs have increased, and this grandmother now stands helpless because of her dire situation and poverty. At a time when everyone waits for the month of Ramadan to gather around their families, this month has come to remind Laila of her losses

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The story of Abu Safwan: an elderly refugee who cares for his grandchildren and distributes bread to orphans.

Despite his harsh living conditions, Abu Safwan is keen to help others instead of asking for help, especially after he – along with his wife – lost their four children during the conflict in Syria, rendering them the sole breadwinner for their grandchildren, which also led him to help other orphans. Still affected by the loss of his children, Abu Safwan says: “my grandchildren have become my children, I held them on my shoulders and ran for our lives”. Abu

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What you may not know about Refugee Zakat Fund App

Thanks to the support of thousands of generous people last Ramadan, the Refugee Zakat Fund App by the Refugee Zakat Fund is today channeling support to millions of refugees and displaced persons worldwide. We are now on track to become one of the leading Islamic Philanthropy Apps making a positive difference in the world. Today, I want to explain to you all about the Refugee Zakat Fund and some of Refugee Zakat Fund’s best features! What is the Refugee Zakat

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First pledge of 1 million NGN to Nigeria’s Refugee and IDP Zakat Fund comes from the Sokoto State Zakat and Endowment Commission (SOZECOM)

On 8 April 2021, the UNHCR Refugee and IDP Zakat Fund was officially launched at a press briefing held in Abuja, Nigeria which brought together government officials, Muslim community, business leaders and UNHCR. At the launch, Alhaji Muhammad Lawal Maidoki, the Executive Chairman Sokoto State Zakat and Endowment Commission (SOZECOM) shared his commitment to alleviate the suffering of Nigeria’s most vulnerable internally displaced families and pledged NGN 1,000,000 from SOZECOM to the Refugee and IDP Zakat Fund. “We Muslims have

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Let’s stand with Refugees and fight COVID19 together…

Interview with Dominik Bartsch UNHCR representative in Jordan. No country can tackle the COVID19 pandemic alone, and no part of our societies can be disregarded if we are to effectively rise to this global challenge. Jordan hosts over 750,000 registered refugees, out of which 20% of them are living in camps. An interview with UNHCR representative in Jordan, Dominik Bartsch explains the role of UNHCR Jordan in preventing the COVID19 outbreak and protecting refugee families to contain this health crisis.

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As winter approaches, UNHCR launches “Warm Their Hearts”, a public mobilization campaign to support refugees

3.88 million refugees and internally displaced people in Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Jordan and Egypt need timely and substantial assistance to shield their families from the cold weather Recent displacement from north-east Syria has increased the number of those in need of winter assistance Celebrities and influencers are supporting UNHCR’s campaign and have called upon their followers to contribute as well UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, launched its “Warm Their Hearts” campaign to close funding gaps for its US$222 million Winterization

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UNHCR’s Refugee Zakat Fund Best Global Zakat Distribution Platform

DUBAI – UNHCR’s pioneering Refugee Zakat Fund has been recognized as the ‘Best Global Zakat Distribution Platform 2019’ at the Global Islamic Finance Awards (GIFA), held in Cape Town, South Africa last Sep. 16. With Islamic finance becoming a more prominent and sophisticated part of the global economy, UNHCR, the United Nations refugee agency, evolved its existing Zakat program to a new structure, the Refugee Zakat Fund, in April this year. The Fund allows Muslims, wherever they live, to fulfil their

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